LMC is a Small Business Dredging Contractor specializing in providing Mechanical Dredging services in the public and private dredging markets. The equipment is specifically designed to perform both maintenance and new work dredging. The dredge fleet has two clam shell dredges. The design of the dredges enables them to perform work as shallow as seven (7) feet and as deep as sixty (60) feet working on spuds and 120′ plus working off anchors. The barge fleet enables service to both bottom placement projects and projects requiring hydraulic offloading to Managed Dredge Material Containment Facilities.

The barge fleet includes two (2) 4,000 cubic yard split hull bottom dump scows and two (2) six thousand cubic yard split hull dump scows.

The two six-thousand-yard dump scows are Load Line vessels for use in projects that require offshore placement. The dump scows can be controlled both from onboard controls and/or remotely if required by project specification.

LMC owns and operates an off-loader equipped to perform both open (use of river or bay water for slurry offloading operations) and closed loop (use of the containment facility water as the slurry water for offloading operations). The off loader works in conjunction with our Three (3) 5,500 cubic yard sealed hopper barges specifically designed to enhance off- loading performance. The rest of the fleet is a complement of support vessels, tugs, survey boats, drag / bottom leveling barges, anchor barges and spud barges.

See our Fleet section for specifications for our major dredging equipment assets which are presently marshaled in the Elizabeth River Tidewater Virginia.